Jul 27, 2008

brian and colleen

What a beautiful wedding- we sure had lots of fun taking photos of you, your friends, and your family. It worked out perfectly that there was a bus near the church because Colleen is a teacher we couldn't pass the oportuinity up. Thanks for taking a picture by the BIG YELLOW BUS Colleen and Brian. Thanks you two!

Jul 25, 2008

gundlach boys

We decided to go on a trip to the park. The boys hadn't been there this summer, so we jumped in the car and headed to Giant Springs. Ofcourse we couldn't go with out saying "hi fishies" as Dayne would say. Thanks for being such great boys you earned your trip to McDonalds!- Tana

Jul 22, 2008

uecker family

Despite all the mosquitoes, sneezing, and sweating we did get a few good pictures. You guys are troopers- Tana

Jul 12, 2008

david and rikki

Here are a few pictures of Rikki and Davids very special day. Thanks for letting us do the photo booth at the reception it was a blast!

Jul 9, 2008


I've know Rikki since she was born and because I am in her wedding I wanted to take some pictures before the big day, so we did. She is amazingly beautiful and I don't think anyone could take a bad picture of her, lucky for me. Rikki thanks for all the fun-you're great!- Tana

doran family

I had so much fun with Doran's, but I always do. We did the photo shoot out in the "country" and the boys had a great time. They are one of the funnest and craziest families around. They sure do know how to have a great time. I just couldn't take enough pictures of them- ok maybe I took more than enough!- Tana