Feb 16, 2009


Here is a sneak peak- a real sneak peak because I haven't even had a chance to go through all the pictures. I just wanted to post a few from a very adventurous photo shoot. - Tana

Feb 15, 2009

Feb 14, 2009

happy heart day

wishing you a happy valentine's day! check out our heart shaped rocks. we found them throughout the years. this year we painted them for valentine's day. love-rachel

Feb 9, 2009


Thanks to the BEST brother EVER I was able to take a few more senior pictures- Thanks bud. Tana

Feb 3, 2009

more pizza

I'm posting this one just because- well actually... I'm hoping it will make you laugh, smile, or to remind you of a time when you were doing something you weren't suppose to be doing.

and I think we've had enough

baby faces

Got to love baby faces!- Tana


the other kind of messes- the ones I don't encourage....