Feb 10, 2012

willow announcements

first pix are front and the other one is the back


card 2

card 3

card 4

card 5

Feb 8, 2012

Thank You

Thanks for all the prayers and support for Brynn- she is doing much better! She just turned 2 months.- Tana

Willow {newborn}

I was so excited  to meet this little cutie. She is going to be quite the little princess, by the looks of her closet! She also is going to have to like to laugh because her family sure does- (a bloody nose and lots of diapers during the shoot!) I have truly enjoyed getting to know her mom the last few years and it was fun to meet the rest of the gang! Hunter- you are such a good big brother- you sure can tell that she really loves you! Thank you Clarks for a wonderful Sat. morning and letting me come to the house to meet Willow- she is pretty special!- Tana

Bridger {senior}

This cowboy is my brother-in-law! He is graduating this May, but didn't want to take pictures so he put it off as long as possible- like yearbook deadline a few days after the shoot. The day turned out to be beautiful and  we had a good time- even Keelan got in on some photos. See it wasn't so bad Bridge!- Tana